Corvallis And Albany Guardianship Lawyers
Taking measures to protect loved ones now and in the future is an important step for families. Mechanisms such as guardianships and conservatorships provide protection for individuals with significant assets, special needs, a significant inheritance or other situations. In Oregon, there are two forms of protection for persons and for property — guardianships and conservatorships. Establishing either of these can be very straightforward with help from the lawyers at Evashevski Elliott PC
Guardianships for Minor and Incapacitated Adults
Many people who choose to petition for a guardianship choose to in order to protect minor children, adults with special needs or an elderly loved one. Our attorneys will help explain the legal process and explain the importance in choosing a guardian and what his or her duties will be.
Given our experience in family law matters, our Corvallis guardianship attorneys can also assist with situations where a temporary guardianship must be established due to certain circumstances such as domestic violence.
Conservatorships in Oregon
Conservatorships protect real property and assets. During the establishment process, a conservator will be appointed to protect the property or assets in the conservatorship. A conservator makes financial decisions and is in charge of managing transactions and paying expenses associated with the conservatorship.
Serving the Willamette Valley — Corvallis and Albany Conservatorship Lawyers
Please contact our Oregon offices to schedule an initial consultation. At your consultation you will meet with an experienced attorney at our firm who will provide an objective assessment of your situation. Contact us by email or by telephone at 541-754-0303 (Corvallis office), 541-917-0100 (Albany office).